Fig. 3.
GFI1B recruits LSD1 to β-Catenin containing complexes. a, b Western blot analysis of indicated proteins after immune precipitation of endogenous β-catenin from 293T cells transfected with the indicated GFI1B constructs. c GST-E-Cadherin pull down of endogenous β-catenin in U2OS cells expressing inducible GFI1B (Tet-ON system) followed by Western blot analysis. d Dot Plot showing BioID interactions of β-catenin-BirA*-Flag coexpressing an Empty Vector (1), the wild-type form of GFI1B (2), GFI1B lacking the SNAG domain (3) or GFI1B lacking the WRD domain (4) with the indicated Wnt pathway regulators in Flp-In T-REx HEK293 cells. e Heat map illustrating biological processes and molecular functions of associated GO terms. The enrichment score of each GO term is shown as the −log10 of corrected P values, indicated by different color intensities