©Vittorio Colizzi, Daniele Mezzana, Pavel V Ovseiko, Giovanni Caiati, Claudia Colonnello, Andrea Declich, Alastair M Buchan, Laurel Edmunds, Elena Buzan, Luiz Zerbini, Dimitar Djilianov, Evanthia Kalpazidou Schmidt, Krzysztof P Bielawski, Doris Elster, Maria Salvato, Luiz C Jr Alcantara, Antonella Minutolo, Marina Potestà, Elena Bachiddu, Maria J Milano, Lorna R Henderson, Vasiliki Kiparoglou, Phoebe Friesen, Mark Sheehan, Daniela Moyankova, Krasimir Rusanov, Martha Wium, Izabela Raszczyk, Igor Konieczny, Jerzy P Gwizdala, Karol Śledzik, Tanja Barendziak, Julia Birkholz, Nicklas Müller, Jürgen Warrelmann, Ute Meyer, Juliane Filser, Fernanda Khouri Barreto, Carla Montesano. Originally published in JMIR Research Protocols (http://www.researchprotocols.org), 07.03.2019.
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