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. 2019 Feb 26;16(5):689. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16050689

Table 4.

Risk of toxicity and neurological symptoms of the exposed participants diagnosed with psychiatric disorders. p-values were obtained by the Chi-Square test. p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. The percentage was calculated concerning the exposed participants. Percentages were determined concerning the total of the exposed participants.

Variable (N) % Depression Disorder Suicidal Attempt Generalized Anxiety Depression and Generalized Anxiety No Psychiatric Diagnosis Disorder p
Weekly pesticide exposure time in hours (N)
30–60 (16) 11.4 (40) 28.6 (14) 10.0 (20) 14.3 (32) 22.9 0.045
61–90 (4) 2.9 (4) 2.9 (6) 4.3 (4) 2.9
Annual pesticide-exposure time in years (N)
0.5–1 (12) 8.6 (22) 15.7 (12) 8.6 (10) 7.1 (22) 15.7 0.113
2–9 (8) 5.7 (20) 14.3 (6) 4.3 (10) 7.1 (8) 5.7
10–20 (0)0 (2) 1.4 (2) 1.4 (0) 0 (6) 4.3
Neurological symptoms (N)
Shoulder pain (6) 4.3 (28) 20 (2) 1.4 (14) 10 (18) 12.9 0.001
Back pain (10) 7.1 (34) 24.3 (10) 7.1 (18) 12.9 (18) 12.9 0.003
Numbness (6) 4.3 (24) 17.1 (8) 5.7 (14) 10 (20) 14.3 0.095
Nocturia (4) 2.9 (18) 12.9 (6) 4.3 (6) 4.3 (14) 10 0.504
Dyspnea (4) 2.9 (16) 11.4 (4) 2.9 (10) 7.1 (10) 7.1 0.175
Insomnia (2) 1.4 (12) 8.6 (4) 2.9 (8) 5.7 (10) 7.1 0.267
Dizzines (10) 7.1 (30) 21.4 (2) 1.4 (14) 10 (16) 11.4 0.001
Abdominal discomfort (8) 5.7 (23) 16.4 (0) 0 (12) 8.6 (14) 10 0.001