Figure 8.
Contrast-enhanced computed tomography timed for the right heart and pulmonary artery circulation of a patient with pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary embolism, reformatted into cardiac views (A–D). (A) Short-axis view at the level of the ventricles reveals right ventricular dilation and interventricular septal flattening and bowing toward the left ventricle. (B) Four-chamber view showing both right ventricular and right atrial dilatation, and bowing of the interatrial septum. (C) Three-chamber view showing again enlarged right ventricle, as well as filling defect (asterisk) compatible with pulmonary embolism in the right pulmonary artery. (D) Two-chamber view dedicated to the right heart showing the right ventricular inflow and outflow, where the tricuspid and pulmonic valves can be seen, including the discontinuity between the atrioventricular (tricuspid) and semilunar (pulmonic) valves that characterizes the morphologic right ventricle. (E) Transaxial view showing increased RV:LV diameter ratio (1.4). Coronal (F) and transaxial (G) views showing contrast reflux (asterisks) into the inferior vena cava and hepatic venous system compatible with significant tricuspid regurgitation. IAS, interatrial septum; IVS, interventricular septum; LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle; PV, pulmonic valve; RA, right atrium; RPA, right pulmonary artery; RV, right ventricle; TV, tricuspid valve.