Table 2.
Major particle populations (subsystems) in the magnetosphere; parameters of the populations can be found in Fig. 2
Plasma population | What and where | Origin | Roles in the system |
Ionosphere | Ionized upper atmosphere | Sunlight on atmosphere and electron impact on atmosphere | Supplies plasma to magnetosphere Source of the plasmasphere and warm plasma cloak Dissipates system energy by Joule heating Hinders magnetospheric convection |
Magnetosheath | Shocked solar-wind plasma bathing the outer surface of the magnetosphere | Solar wind | Plasma properties govern dayside reconnection rate Supplies solar-wind-origin plasma Transfers momentum into magnetosphere Generates ULF waves |
Plasmasphere | Cold ionospheric-origin plasma in the dipolar region | Ionosphere | Provides home for whistler-mode hiss waves Provides home for EMIC waves Feeds drainage plume Feeds back on dayside reconnection |
Ion plasma sheet (includes ring current) | Hot ions in magnetotail and dipolar region |
Mantle, LLBL, Ionosphere |
Diamagnetically distorts magnetic field Drives EMIC waves in dipole Can mass load dayside reconnection rate |
Electron plasma sheet | Hot electrons in magnetotail and dipolar region | Solar wind | Home of the aurora and auroral currents Provides enhanced ionization of ionosphere Drives chorus waves May control ionospheric outflows to the warm plasma cloak Seed population for substorm-injected electrons |
Electron radiation belt | Relativistic electrons in the dipolar region | Substorm-injected electrons | Energy sink for plasma waves Spacecraft damage Alters atmospheric chemistry |
Ion radiation belt | Very energetic protons in dipolar region | Neutron decay, Solar wind Ion plasma sheet |
not much is known about the origin and interactions of the outer proton belt |
Substorm-injected electrons | Energetic electrons in the dipolar region | Electron plasma sheet | Drives whistler-mode chorus waves Seed population for electron radiation belt |
Warm plasma cloak | Cool oxygen-rich plasma in dipolar region |
Ionosphere | Mass loading of dayside reconnection rate Controls properties of ULF waves |
Low-latitude boundary layer (LLBL) | Solar-wind plasma flowing tailward inside the magnetopause | Magnetosheath | Feeds plasma into the ion and electron plasma sheets |
Mantle | Solar-wind plasma and cusp-ionosphere plasma moving into the magnetotail | Magnetosheath | Feeds plasma into the ion and electron plasma sheets Impacts reconnection rate in magnetotail |
Plasmaspheric drainage plume | Cold plasma flowing from plasmasphere to dayside magnetopause | Plasmasphere | Loss of plasmasphere Mass loading of dayside reconnection rate Home of EMIC and hiss waves at larger radii than plasmasphere |
Atmosphere | Neutral gas gravitationally bound to the Earth | Absorbs electrons and ions from the magnetosphere | |
Hydrogen geocorona | Neutral hydrogen evaporating off of atmosphere | Atmosphere | Causes charge-exchange loss of ion-plasma-sheet ions Has a charge-exchange interaction with the plasmasphere Is affected by magnetospheric energy input into upper atmosphere |
EMIC: electromagnetic ion-cyclotron