Fig 8. Spatial progression of L and R SMA chronomaps in Exp 2 during the orientation task.
(A) Group average of PD (y-axis) of voxels lying at different distances (x-axis RD) from the P border of the chronomaps. (B) 2D projection of wCntrs in the y-z plane for duration-selective voxels in SMA. wCntrs are color coded according to duration selectivity. The color scale goes from red (shortest duration 0.2 s) to dark blue (longest duration 3 s). Different colors indicate voxels with different duration selectivity; diamonds with the same color are the different subjects (n = 10). This value differs across duration conditions because not all subjects had the full range of duration-selective voxels. (C) For each duration-selective cluster of vertices, the full distribution of individual wRD and their median value are shown. A fitted slope based on these median values across subjects is also shown. The slope is calculated separately for durations below and above 1 s. The data can be found in S1 Data. L, left; P, posterior; PD, preferred duration; R, right; RD, relative distance; SMA, supplementary motor area; wCntr, weighted centroid; wRD, weighted relative distance.