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. 2017 Jul 17;22(3):303–312. doi: 10.1007/s40688-017-0143-0

Table 3.

Learner Behaviors Scale

Learner behaviors Trimester 1, September (baseline) Trimester 2, December Trimester 3, March
Shows acceptance to other ideas
Respects others (teachers, substitutes, paras, student teachers, peers, etc.)
Actively listens
Responds appropriately to feedback
Uses materials purposefully and respectfully
Follows directions
Uses organizational strategies and organizes classroom materials/personal belongings
Uses time efficiently and constructively
Strives to produce quality work
Completes tasks on time (classroom/homework)
Manages transitions and changes in routine
Exercises self-control
Accepts responsibility for behavior
Works quietly and stays on task
Uses cooperation skills (whole group, small group, partners)
Key for learner behaviors
 E = excels: consistently goes beyond learner behavior expectations. Evidence of most recent work demonstrates the learner behavior goals are fully and consistently met
 S = successfully meets: meets learner behavior expectations. Evidence of most recent work demonstrates the learner behavior goals are fully and consistently met
 M = making progress: partially meets learner behavior expectations. Evidence of most recent work demonstrates more than half the learner behavior goals are fully and consistently met
 T = targeted for growth in order to meet learner behavior expectations. Evidence of most recent work demonstrates only a few of the learning goals are met or partially met