Morphological Effects of AtIND and CrIND Expression
(A–D) SEM images of the apex of stage-17 fruits of AtWT (A), atind-2 (B), atind-2 pCrIND:CrIND:GFP (C), and atind-2 pAtIND:AtIND:YFP (D). The red triangles in (D) indicate the expanded apical growth of the valve tips.
(E–H) Fruit morphology at stage 17 of CrWT (E), crind-1ge (F), crind-1gepCrIND:CrIND:GFP (G), and crind-1gepAtIND:AtIND:YFP (H).
Scale bars represent 5 mm (E–H) and 400 μm (A–D).
See also Figure S4.