Fig. 1.
Xrn1 drives translation of BMV RNA. a Xrn1 depletion inhibits BMV RNA2 translation. Simultaneously exposed western blot and northern blot panels showing steady-state levels of viral protein 2a and RNA2. b The BMV RNA2 5ʹUTR and CDS confer dependence on Xrn1 for translation. Black solid lines represent viral UTRs and orange lines GAL1 mRNA 5ʹ and ADH1 3ʹUTRs. The white and green boxes represent 2a and GFP CDSs, respectively. Throughout this study, BMV RNA2 was expressed from a plasmid by the GAL1 promoter, PGK protein, and 18 S RNA were used as loading controls for western and northern blots, respectively. Values denote expression relative to WT, taken arbitrarily as 100% and are calculated from n = 3 independent colonies and expressed as mean ± SEM. Dotted lines represent a separation of the shown samples in the same membrane. Open circles indicate the individual data points. Source data are provided as a Source Data file