Figure 2.
2H ssNMR spectra of M2TM d4Ala29 in DOPC/DOPE bilayers at pH 7.5. (A) Blue shows the spectrum for L/T = 80:1 acquired at −20°C in a 16.9 T magnet with 10 μs echo time. Red shows a simulated line shape for a methyl deuteron assuming only ps methyl rotation and ns Cα-Cβ wobbling (with amplitude = 8°). (B) Blue shows the spectrum for L/T = 80:1 at 20°C in a 19.6 T magnet with 30 μs echo time. Red shows a simulated line shape with RCT = 0.55 μs. (C) Blue shows the spectrum for L/T = 30:1 acquisition parameters, the same as in (B). Red shows a simulated line shape with RCT = 13.9 μs. Green shows a simulated line shape with RCT = 1.11 μs. Inset: an L/T of 80:1 generates ∼2 lipid annuli around the M2TM tetramer, whereas an L/T of 30:1 generates a single lipid annulus. All line shape simulations were performed using Express (32).