Table 1.
Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) result for interacting proteins between TaGAPCp1 and cDNA wheat library.
Clone | Name | Functions | GenBank |
1,5 | Tauschii dormancy-associated protein homolog, mRNA | Involved in plant stress resistance | XM_020318726.1 |
2 | Tauschii cytochrome b6-f complex iron-sulfur subunit, mRNA (Cyt b6f) | Involved in photoreactive electron transport | XM_020345741.1 |
3,11 | Tauschii ATP-dependent Clp protease proteolytic subunit 6, mRNA | Involved in Stress response | XM_020331538.1 |
4,8,10 | Tauschii ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase, complete cds | Involved in Calvin cycle | KT288199.1 |
6 | Tauschii GATA transcription factor, mRNA | Transcription factor with a special zinc finger structure | XM_020324318.1 |
7 | Tauschii probable E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase, mRNA | One of the key enzymes in the ubiquitination process | XM_020328679.1 |
9 | Tauschii protein SGT1, mRNA | Participate in the regulation of plant disease resistance | KJ907387.1 |