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. 2019 Mar 7;16:E26. doi: 10.5888/pcd16.180349

Table. State-Level Prevalence of Interest in Quitting Smokinga, Past-Year Quit Attemptsb, Recent Smoking Cessationc, and Receipt of a Medical Doctor’s Advice to Quit Smokingd, Tobacco Use Supplement to the Current Population Survey, United States, 2014–2015.

State Interested in
Quittinga, % (95% CI)
Past-Year Quit
Attemptsb, % (95% CI)
Recent Smoking Cessationc, % (95% CI) Receipt of Medical Doctor’s Advice to Quitd, % (95% CI)
Alabama 80.0 (75.8–84.2) 56.7 (52.2–61.3) 8.8 (5.6–11.9) 64.3 (59.0–69.6)
Alaska 78.5 (72.2–84.8) 62.1 (56.7–67.5) 8.2 (4.0–12.4) 70.2 (62.4–78.0)
Arizona 75.2 (70.7–79.6) 53.1 (47.7–58.4) 5.4 (3.5–7.3) 71.4 (64.3–78.5)
Arkansas 75.9 (71.8–80.0) 50.8 (46.7–55.0) 5.8 (3.4–8.2) 61.0 (55.3–66.6)
California 78.6 (75.7–81.6) 54.2 (50.9–57.5) 9.8 (7.9–11.7) 69.3 (65.4–73.3)
Colorado 79.5 (75.1–83.9) 60.7 (55.8–65.5) 10.4 (7.1–13.6) 71.6 (65.6–77.7)
Connecticut 85.7 (81.3–90.2) 59.7 (52.7–66.7) 9.0 (5.8–12.2) 74.6 (68.0–81.1)
Delaware 79.3 (73.3–85.2) 42.7 (35.9–49.5) 6.5 (3.4–9.5) 71.0 (64.0–78.0)
District of Columbia 82.8 (77.8–87.7) 60.6 (55.3–65.9) 11.1 (7.1–15.0) 76.6 (70.5–82.6)
Florida 76.7 (73.8–79.6) 50.8 (47.4–54.3) 7.6 (5.8–9.4) 73.0 (68.8–77.3)
Georgia 80.6 (76.8–84.3) 54.5 (50.2–58.9) 7.0 (4.7–9.2) 68.8 (63.6–74.1)
Hawaii 72.7 (65.9–79.6) 49.7 (43.1–56.4) 8.4 (3.9–13.0) 70.2 (60.7–79.6)
Idaho 76.9 (71.9–82.0) 53.1 (47.6–58.6) 6.3 (3.3–9.4) 59.9 (52.5–67.3)
Illinois 76.1 (73.0–79.3) 50.8 (46.9–54.7) 9.5 (7.4–11.7) 71.7 (67.1–76.3)
Indiana 75.7 (71.5–79.9) 54.9 (50.1–59.7) 7.3 (4.6–10.0) 76.4 (71.8–80.9)
Iowa 75.2 (70.0–80.5) 53.9 (49.5–58.2) 9.8 (6.7–12.9) 73.3 (68.5–78.2)
Kansas 77.8 (73.2–82.3) 50.7 (46.0–55.3) 7.8 (5.3–10.2) 66.8 (60.5–73.1)
Kentucky 68.9 (64.1–73.6) 48.1 (43.6–52.6) 7.1 (4.6–9.6) 73.2 (67.7–78.6)
Louisiana 76.2 (72.1–80.4) 52.8 (46.8–58.9) 4.2 (2.6–5.7) 68.8 (63.6–74.1)
Maine 80.6 (74.6–86.5) 55.5 (49.4–61.5) 8.3 (4.8–11.8) 80.2 (74.8–85.5)
Maryland 79.3 (73.4–85.2) 57.6 (49.8–65.5) 10.7 (6.5–14.9) 73.4 (65.8–81.0)
Massachusetts 84.1 (78.7–89.5) 57.5 (51.9–63.1) 8.4 (5.4–11.4) 79.6 (74.1–85.2)
Michigan 80.3 (76.3–84.3) 57.3 (53.3–61.4) 7.8 (5.5–10.1) 74.5 (70.8–78.3)
Minnesota 81.7 (77.6–85.8) 59.1 (54.1–64.2) 10.5 (7.3–13.7) 72.6 (67.7–77.4)
Mississippi 75.1 (70.9–79.2) 47.9 (42.6–53.2) 7.3 (5.2–9.3) 64.1 (56.9–71.3)
Missouri 76.4 (71.1–81.6) 54.1 (49.3–58.8) 7.2 (4.4–10.0) 69.8 (65.2–74.4)
Montana 73.7 (68.3–79.2) 49.3 (42.8–55.8) 6.8 (3.7–10.0) 66.7 (60.2–73.3)
Nebraska 79.7 (75.4–83.9) 56.9 (51.9–61.9) 7.6 (3.9–11.3) 66.5 (57.8–75.3)
Nevada 75.5 (70.5–80.6) 56.2 (50.6–61.9) 10.1 (6.1–14.1) 59.4 (52.6–66.2)
New Hampshire 81.9 (76.8–86.9) 55.0 (48.8–61.2) 7.7 (4.5–10.9) 78.6 (73.8–83.4)
New Jersey 80.9 (76.1–85.7) 52.1 (46.0–58.2) 8.9 (6.0–11.8) 72.5 (66.6–78.4)
New Mexico 75.5 (70.5–80.4) 55.6 (50.8–60.5) 9.9 (5.7–14.1) 67.2 (59.8–74.6)
New York 82.7 (79.9–85.5) 56.3 (52.5–60.0) 6.0 (4.2–7.8) 74.5 (70.5–78.6)
North Carolina 74.4 (70.8–78.0) 51.0 (46.8–55.2) 6.6 (4.7–8.6) 72.5 (68.1–77.0)
North Dakota 81.7 (77.9–85.5) 55.3 (49.6–61.0) 8.1 (5.7–10.5) 67.1 (60.9–73.2)
Ohio 78.6 (75.3–81.9) 51.7 (48.4–55.0) 5.8 (4.1–7.6) 74.2 (69.8–78.5)
Oklahoma 74.0 (69.5–78.6) 54.2 (49.8–58.6) 8.5 (6.0–11.0) 63.0 (57.0–68.9)
Oregon 80.6 (75.2–86.0) 57.9 (51.8–64.0) 8.4 (5.7–11.0) 65.8 (59.2–72.4)
Pennsylvania 73.6 (70.2–77.0) 49.5 (45.7–53.3) 6.4 (4.5–8.3) 75.1 (71.2–79.0)
Rhode Island 78.9 (73.1–84.8) 59.6 (53.2–65.9) 6.4 (3.4–9.4) 78.0 (70.7–85.3)
South Carolina 78.4 (73.7–83.2) 50.8 (46.1–55.4) 4.7 (2.6–6.8) 66.4 (60.5–72.2)
South Dakota 81.3 (76.5–86.1) 57.6 (52.9–62.3) 8.7 (5.8–11.6) 69.0 (62.5–75.5)
Tennessee 72.7 (68.5–76.8) 52.7 (48.3–57.1) 7.5 (5.1–9.9) 72.5 (67.7–77.2)
Texas 77.6 (74.9–80.4) 53.8 (50.9–56.7) 7.2 (5.4–8.9) 65.6 (61.8–69.4)
Utah 72.2 (64.9–79.5) 53.9 (44.0–63.9) 10.7 (3.5–17.9) 69.4 (61.2–77.6)
Vermont 79.7 (75.4–84.0) 57.3 (51.5–63.0) 8.6 (5.4–11.8) 78.4 (73.7–83.2)
Virginia 77.4 (72.6–82.2) 50.8 (45.8–55.8) 6.3 (3.6–8.9) 72.7 (67.8–77.7)
Washington 75.1 (69.6–80.6) 51.5 (45.3–57.6) 8.0 (4.8–11.3) 67.1 (60.2–74.1)
West Virginia 70.3 (66.0–74.6) 48.6 (43.9–53.2) 3.9 (1.9–5.9) 71.5 (65.5–77.5)
Wisconsin 76.6 (72.5–80.6) 54.3 (49.7–59.0) 7.0 (4.6–9.4) 81.7 (77.5–85.9)
Wyoming 78.4 (74.4–82.3) 52.6 (46.7–58.4) 6.9 (4.3–9.4) 66.3 (60.5–72.0)

Abbreviation: CI, confidence interval.


Interest in quitting was defined as current smokers who reported 2–10 on a 10-point scale ranging from 1 (not at all interested) to 10 (extremely interested) among all current smokers (unweighted n = 22,163).


Past-year quit attempts were defined as current smokers who reported that they had stopped smoking for at least 1 day or made a serious attempt to stop smoking even for <1 day within the past year and former smokers who quit within the past year among all current smokers and former smokers who quit within the past year (unweighted n = 25,850).


Recent smoking cessation was defined as quitting smoking within the past year for ≥6 months among current smokers who smoked for ≥2 years and former smokers who quit during the past year (unweighted n = 25,507).


Receipt of medical doctor’s advice to quit smoking was reported among current smokers who visited a medical doctor within the past year and among former smokers who visited a medical doctor within the year before quitting (unweighted n = 17,247).