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. 2019 Mar 15;9(3):e026176. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-026176

Table 1.

Mobility status of study households with children age 0-59 months and association with demographic, socioeconomic and health characteristics using t- and χ2-tests

Residentially stable,
>24 months n=5513
Recently relocated,
<12 months n=4507
P value
Demographics mean SE mean SE
Number of household members 5.40 0.09 4.60 0.10 <0.001
Number of children <5 years in household 1.28 0.01 1.25 0.01 0.194
Age of index child in months 30.0 0.23 28.7 0.25 <0.001
n % n %
 Sex of index child: Male 2478 45 2048 45 0.622
Mother’s education <0.001
 No education 1133 21 1162 26
 Some schooling 1142 21 1176 26
 Finished secondary 1849 34 1483 33
 >Secondary 1389 25 686 15
Father’s education <0.001
 No education 1261 23 1139 25
 Some schooling 913 17 911 20
 Finished secondary 1525 28 1372 30
 >Secondary 1814 33 1085 24
Occupation of household head <0.001
 Unemployed or other 482 9 232 5
 Daily labour 916 17 1218 27
 Shopkeeper or merchant 1787 32 1058 23
 Salaried service 2328 42 1999 44
Monthly household income* <0.001
<5000 taka (US $73) 971 18 1080 24
 5001–10 000 taka 1634 30 1925 43
 >10 000 taka (US $145) 2900 53 1498 33
Household wealth index† <0.001
 Lowest 1092 20 1110 25
 Second 922 17 1021 23
 Third 966 18 911 20
 Fourth 1455 26 1155 26
 Highest 1078 20 310 7
Health services knowledge
Knowledge of local hospital 4709 85 3428 76 <0.001
Health outcomes
Severe acute respiratory illness suffered by index child within 12 months‡ 763 14 695 15 0.026
Meningitis/encephalitis suffered by index child within 12 months§ 185 3 164 4 0.443

*12 respondents (eight residentially stable and four recently relocated) did not know or did not disclose household income.

†Polychoric Principal Components Analysis was used to create a household wealth index including structural housing characteristics, cooking fuel, drinking water and sanitation.

‡One residentially stable respondent did not know if child recently had a severe acute respiratory illness.

§Three respondents did not know if child recently had a serious illness with mental status changes (two residentially stable and one recently relocated).