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. 2019 Mar 13;9(3):e023978. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-023978

Table 4.

Description of clinical cases discussed in selected studies

Case Reference Age Mental health conditions Nature of SA Resulting injuries/illness Hospital admittance Nature of the AD When written? Patient conscious? Decision-making process Rationale for decision Outcome
A 6 26–31 26 Depression generalised anxiety disorder, PTSD, BPD Self-poisoning (antifreeze) Not stated Presented herself at hospital Letter 3 days prior Yes Medical staff discussed the patient’s mental capacity and sought legal advice. The patient’s wishes were clear in the letter but the patient was conscious, judged to have capacity and refusing treatment. Death
B 25 46 Severe depression Gunshot to face Pain and severe facial injury Gunshot reported by neighbours Suicide note Not stated Yes (not coherent) The attending physicians thought life-support should be removed as the patient’s ‘will’ was clear and authoritative. The psychiatrist thought suicide was pathological and the condition was treatable so the patient should be treated. Clinicians consulted widely and sought legal advice. The suicide note was accepted as a living will. The patient had a desire to die due to psychological pain. The suicide attempt left the patient in a severely disabled state. Death
C 23 57 Depression generalised anxiety disorder, PTSD, BPD Self-poisoning (opiates) Respiratory distress Psychiatric inpatient DNR Prior to inpatient admittance Not stated There was conflict between clinicians; the psychiatrist argued that the DNR should not be followed because it was a suicide attempt. The legal/ethics committee was consulted who supported continued treatment. DNR considered an effort to prepare for a suicide attempt and should not be honoured. Survived and regretted the suicide attempt.
D 7 35 Depression and drug abuse Hanging Brain injury Found by family AD Not stated No There were concerns that adherence to the AD would result in the patient’s death. Clinicians sought legal advice. The patient had poor prognosis and the family gave consent for clinicians to stop treatment. Death
E 8 24 52 Depression generalised anxiety disorder, PTSD, BPD Self-poisoning (insulin) Coma Found at home AD 2 years prior No The AD mentioned no treatment for a terminal condition. The patient was not in a terminal condition and there were concerns that injury was the result of a suicide attempt and whether the AD should be adhered to in a suicidal context. Approached family and held an ethics committee consultation. The patient’s wishes were judged to be clear, the patient was considered to be informed about treatment options and had mental capacity at the time of writing the AD and the family were in agreement. Death
F 32 86 Not stated Gunshot to chest Damage to pancreas and colon Not stated AD Not stated Yes (not always coherent) Medical team argue that the nature in which the physical condition was caused (ie, suicidal behaviour) should impact on treatment. Not stated Not stated

For details about articles, see table 3.

AD, advance directive; BPD, borderline personality disorder; DNR, do not resuscitate; PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder; SA, suicide attempt.