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. 2019 Mar 18;13:515–519. doi: 10.2147/OPTH.S193751

Table 3.

Previously reported studies on the surgical outcome of full tendon VRT with Foster suture in complete or nearly complete unilateral sixth cranial nerve palsy

Reference n F/U (months) Operation Suture placement (mm), measured from Preoperative deviationa (PD) Postoperative deviationa (PD) Preoperative abduction (grade) Postoperative abduction (grade)
Foster, 19976 4 NS VRT + PF 16, Limbus 30–80 0 −4 to −6 −3
Simons et al, 20005 7 1–17 VRT + PF 14–16, Limbus 36.7±12.7 −7.1±7.6 −3 to −4.5 −3.5 to −1
Improvement of the deviation 41.2±13.8
Struck, 200921 5 NS VRT + modified PF 15, Limbus 30–65 13 to −20 −3 to −5 −1 to −3
Yazdian et al, 201022 24 12–48 VRT + PF 16, Limbus 44.7±7.2 12.5±4 −4.22±0.55 −2.29±0.48
Improvement of the deviation 30–35
Akar et al, 201323 47 12–72 VRT + PF 8, Insertion 42.2±14.1 0.9±6.4 −3.9±0.4 −1.6±0.8
Lee and Lambert, 201719 8 3.6–100.1 (Mean 17) 4 VRT 4 VRT + PF 8–10, Insertion 55.6±21.8 10.3±9.1 −4.5±0.5 −3.8±0.4
Improvement of the deviation 45.4±15.0 Improvement of the deviation 0.7±0.7
Our study 20 >24 `VRT + PF 7, Insertion 65 (40–130) 10 (−4 to 45) −15° (−22.5° to 10°)b 15° (7.5°–45°)b
Improvement of the deviation 54 (30–76) Improvement of the deviation 26° (15°–35°)b

Notes: Preoperative and postoperative data are reported as the actual value, mean ± SD, or median (IQR).


Positive value = esodeviation; negative value = exodeviation.


Positive value = pass midline; negative value = before reaching midline.

Abbreviations: F/U, follow-up; NS, non-specified; PD, prism diopter; PF, posterior fixation suture; VRT, vertical rectus transposition.