Figure 2.
Poor human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) clone maintenance and cellular differentiation result in a rapid loss of etoposide sensitivity. (A, B): hiPSC cultures in which spontaneously differentiated cells were removed via MC exhibited increased etoposide sensitivity (B) compared to the same cultures prior to MC (A). (C): Terminally differentiated human fibroblast cells demonstrated no detectable apoptosis or cell death following treatment with etoposide. Data points were derived from the average of ten unique primary human fibroblast cultures and plotted as a percentage of DMSO control. (D): hiPSCs undergoing directed cardiac differentiation display a progressive decrease in etoposide sensitivity. All data points were derived from the average of three technical replicate samples stained with Annexin V/PI, and normalized to DMSO treated cells. Error bars represent the standard deviation calculated around an individual mean. Abbreviations: DMSO, dimethyl sulfoxide; MC, mechanical cleaning.