Table 1.
Parameter Values for the Calibrated Simulations
Parameter | Description | Value |
Parameters taken from the literature | ||
α | Effectiveness of health investment | 0.75 |
r | Interest rate | 0.03 |
β | Time preference rate | 0.03 |
γ | Power law relation sick time and health | 1.7 |
ρ | Coefficient of relative risk aversion | 3 |
ζ | Utility share of consumption vs health | 0.7 |
μC | Efficiency of consumption | 1 |
pm | Price of medical care | 1 |
pc | Price of consumption | 1 |
A0, AT | Assets | 0 |
Calibrated parameters | ||
μI | Efficiency of health investment | 0.25 |
μU | Scale parameter utility | 0.00001 |
ν | Dependency of depreciation on health | 0.3 |
a | Deterioration rate intercept | −3.6 |
b | Deterioration rate slope | 1/17 ≈ 0.059 |
T | Length of life | 76.8 |