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. 2019 Jan 7;96(Suppl 1):35–43. doi: 10.1007/s11524-018-00337-x

Table 1.

Descriptive characteristics of 1829 non-Hispanic Black women in the analytic sample, wave 4 of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, 2008

Outcome variable % (n)
  < 1 mg/L (low risk) 21.7 (418)
 1–3 mg/L (moderate risk) 19.8 (397)
  > 3–10 mg/L (high risk) 33.3 (563)
  > 10 mg/L (very high risk) 25.2 (451)
Predictor variables of interest
 Social integration Mean (SE)
  Social integration index (range 0–4) 1.14 (0.05)
 Social integration components % (n)
  Married or cohabitating 41.9 (732)
  6 or more close friends 15.2 (301)
  Volunteers at least once a year 27.9 (636)
  Attends church weekly or more 29.0 (576)
 Quality of social relationships % (n)
  Perceived happiness with romantic partner
   No partner 21.5 (423)
   Fairly happy or unhappy 69.9 (1235)
   Very happy 8.6 (171)
  Perceived closeness to mother figure
   No mother figure 10.2 (169)
   Not very close or not close at all 9.3 (177)
   Somewhat, quite or very close 80.5 (1483)
  Perceived closeness to father figure
   No father figure 34.0 (541)
   Not very close or not close at all 20.0 (398)
   Somewhat, quite, or very close 46.0 (890)
Control variables % (n)
 Foreign birth 1.9 (32)
 College degree or more 9.0 (115)
 Receipt of public assistance past year 52.2 (842)
 Currently pregnant 4.6 (88)
 Hormonal contraceptive use past year 34.1 (654)
 Inflammatory medication use in the past month 34.7 (642)
 BMI categories
  Obese 55.3 (960)
  Overweight 20.5 (416)
  Under/Normal weight 24.2 (453)
 Current cigarette smoker 11.0 (199)
Mean (SE)
Age in years (range 24–34) 28.4 (0.21)
No. of subclinical conditions (range 0–3) 0.5 (0.04)
No. of infectious/inflammatory conditions (range 0–3) 0.4 (0.04)
Self-reported overall health (range 1–5) 2.7 (0.06)