A, EC-EMSA of EECs generated from a 30-second limiting UC pulse with and without a 30-second chase. Complexes were incubated for 0 or 30 minutes prior to HSW isolation. B, RNAs associated with phosphorylated (P) and unphosphorylated (UnP) complexes were extracted from EC-EMSA gel in A and analyzed by urea PAGE. C, EC-EMSA of EECs generated from PICs in the presence of HNE or from PICs that were isolated before the pulse. Each were given a 30-second limiting UC pulse and a 30-second chase, stopped with EDTA, and either incubated for 0 or 30 minutes. D, RNAs associated with each EC-EMSA complex from C were analyzed as in B. E, The normalized profile of transcripts associated with the unphosphorylated complexes after 30 minutes of phosphatase function (HNE UnP) was compared to RNA from the phosphorylated complex generated during the pulse (HNE P) or to RNA associated with unphosphorylated complexes generated from isolated PICs that were incubated for 30 minutes (Isolated UnP). Specific transcript sizes are indicated and a dotted line demarcates the position of the loss of phosphatase activity in HNE.