Box plots of morphological parameters’ distribution. (A) ATA, anteversion angle; FHD, femoral head diameter; GTH, greater trochanter height; OSA, absolute offset as the distance between femoral head center (FHC) and femoral shaft axis; OSH, horizontal offset as the projected distance between FHC and FSA to the frontal plane; OSV, vertical offset as the vertical distance between FHC and the plane parallel to transversal plane containing the center of the lesser trochanter. (B) NCDF, distance between the FHC and a plane parallel to the frontal plane containing the projection of the FHC to the FNA; NCDS, distance between FHC and femoral neck axis (FNA) projected to the sagittal plane; NCHD, distance between the FHC and a plane parallel to the frontal plane containing the projection of the FHC to the FNA; NCVD, vertical distance between the FHC and a plane parallel to transversal plane containing the projection of the FHC to the FNA. (C) TFL, total femur length. (D) NSA, neck‐shaft angle. All units are in mm except ATA and NSA, which are in degree.