CamKIIa-Cre+/−;Nhe1f/f mice showed delayed activation but no significant effects on polarizations of microglia/macrophages after ischemic stroke. (a) Cell counts of CD11b+/CD45low-med microglia in Ctrl and KO brains before tMCAO and at 3, 7, and 14 days Rp. A total cell count of 50,000 was recorded and analyzed. In all panels C, contralateral; I, ipsilateral. Data are mean ± SEM. N = 3–5. #p < .10 control versus KO groups. (b) Cell counts of CD11b+/CD45hi macrophages in Ctrl and KO brains before tMCAO and at 3, 7, and 14 days Rp. A total cell count of 50,000 was recorded and analyzed. Data are mean ± SEM. N = 3–5. #p < .10 control versus KO groups. (c–g) Cell counts of CD86+, CD16/32+, Ym1+, CD206+, and CD68+ cells gated under CD11b+ cells in Ctrl and KO brains at 3 and 7 days Rp. A total cell count of 50,000 was recorded and analyzed. Data are mean ± SEM. N = 5