Figure 6. Knockdown of the expression of PIEZOs promotes tumor growth in vivo.
Nude mice were subcutaneously inoculated with A549 cells stably transfected with sh-PIEZO1 (n=8), sh-PIEZO2 (n=8), or Veh shRNA (n=8). The subcutaneous tumor size was recorded every week. Data are presented as mean ± S.D. of the measurement of each group. The subcutaneous tumors were isolated and measured. After inoculation, the tumor volumes were measured every week. *P<0.05. (A) Tumor growth in nude mice inoculated with A549 cells with stable knockdown of PIEZO1. Right panel shows the xenografts from mice with subcutaneous inoculation of A549 cells with or without knockdown of PIEZO1. sh-PIEZO1 (n=5) and Veh shRNA (n=3). (B) qPCR quantitation of mRNA expression of human PIEZO1 from the xenografts with or without stable knockdown of PIEZO1. (C) Tumor growth in nude mice inoculated with A549 cells with stable knockdown of PIEZO2. Right panel shows the xenografts from mice with subcutaneous inoculation of A549 cells with or without knockdown of PIEZO2. sh-PIEZO1 (n=3) and Veh shRNA (n=3). (D) qPCR quantitation of mRNA expression of human PIEZO2 from the xenografts with or with stable knockdown of PIEZO2. *, P<0.05, cells with stable knockdown of PIEZO1 or 2 compared with cells with stable transfection of Veh shRNA.