Fig. 2.
Correlation between the expression of inotocin signaling and task allocation. (A) Setup of the C. fellah colonies. (B) Age-dependent division of labor in one representative colony. Nurses are shown in pink and foragers in light blue. (C and D) Box plots of the relative expression levels of int in the head (C) and intR in the abdomen (D) for each age class. Number of individuals is shown in each box. (E) The time spent in the food region and in the nest and distance moved was quantified over 6 d in the tracking system for one representative box. (F–H) Relationship between the behavioral parameters and int expression. (I–K) Relationship between the behavioral parameters and intR expression. Different colors indicate the colony of origin of workers. R2 and P values are shown in the top left of the graphs. The correlation between the expression of int or intR and behavioral parameters were tested with a generalized linear mixed model (GLMM). ns, P > 0.05; ***P < 0.001.