. 3.—(A) Graphical representation of the entire predicted cluster of Hybrid-1, 2, and 3, in Eutiarosporella darliae and E. pseudodarliae found on two scaffolds, and the syntenic genes present in E. tritici-australis that are on a single scaffold. Macrophomina phaseolina’s scaffold containing the Hybrid-1 and 2 genes is drawn above to demonstrate that they are also colocalized, however, M. phaseolina’s Hybrid-3 homologue was not found in a syntenic location and is not shown. Outlined serine hydrolase between M. phaseolina and E. darliae highlights the inversion of this gene. (*) Highlights scaffold overhang joint by two syntenic genes linking the two separate scaffolds in E. darliae and E. pseudodarliae. Key: describes genes present in each cluster, as well as syntenic gene-blocks. (B) A maximum likelihood phylogeny comparing KS domains of Hybrid-1 and 2, as well as close BLAST-hits from the NCBI nonredundant database. Hybrid-1 and Hybrid-2 resolved separately on this phylogeny ([Clade 1] and [Clade 2], respectively). A PKS–NRPS harbored by a poplar pathogen, M. populorum (gi|453084141), and which resolves in Hybrid-2’s clade, is highlighted in red. In brackets are four KS sequences belonging to putative PKSs, not PKS–NRPSs.