Table 1.
Patient ID | Age (days/months) | Birth weight (g) | Diagnosis | Type of operation | Drugs | SpO2 | Experiments |
HLHS1 | 36/1.2 | 3250 | HLHSMSAS | Norwood procedure | M, D | 99 | FFR |
HLHS2 | 15/0.5 | 2690 | HIAA + VSD | Norwood procedure | M, BB, F, S, D | 90 | RDA, E4031, FFR, ISO |
HLHS3 | 69/2.3 | 2100 | HLHS | Norwood procedure | BB, ASA, D | 70 | RDA |
HLHS4 | 12/0.4 | 3900 | HLHSMA + TAPVR | Norwood procedure | M, Mil, D | 95 | RDA, E4031, FFR, ISO |
HLHS5 | 6/0.2 | 2570 | HLHSMAAA | Norwood procedure | M | 95 | RDA, FFR, ISO |
HLHS6 | 7/0.2 | 2800 | HLHS | Norwood procedure | M, BB, S, D | 95 | RDA, FFR, ISO |
HLHS7 | 2/0.1 | 2700 | HLHS + MS + AS | Norwood procedure | M, D | 90 | RDA, FFR, ISO |
TOF1 | 168/5.5 | 3950 | TOF + PDA | TOF repair | BB | 91 | RDA, FFR, ISO |
TOF2 | 170/5.6 | 3000 | TOF | TOF repair | Nil | 99 | RDA, E4031 |
TOF3 | 198/6.5 | 3200 | TOF | TOF repair | Sot | 100 | RDA, E4031, FFR, ISO |
TOF4 | 164/5.4 | 3300 | TOF | TOF repair | A, S, BB, ASA | 72 | FFR, ISO |
TOF5 | 210/6.9 | 3850 | PA + VSD | VSD closure, RV-PA-conduit | ASA, BB | 80 | RDA, E4031 + ISO, FFR, ISO |
TOF6 | 178/5.8 | 1550 | TOF + PDA | TOF repair, closure of PDA | BB | 65 | RDA, E4031 + ISO, FFR, ISO |
TOF7 | 129/4.2 | 3250 | TOF | TOF repair | Nil | 99 | RDA, E4031 + ISO, FFR |
TOF8 | 155/5.1 | 3100 | TOF | TOF repair | Nil | 98 | FFR |
TOF9 | 212/7.0 | 2650 | PA-VSD | VSD closure, RV-PA conduit | ASA | 75 | RDA, FFR |
TOF10 | 165/5.5 | 2900 | TOF | TOF repair | Nil | 92 | E4031 |
M: male; F: female; AS: aortic stenosis; IAA: interrupted aortic arch; HLHS: hypoplastic left heart syndrome; PA: pulmonary atresia; PDA: patent ductus arteriosus; TAPVR: total anomalous pulmonary venous return; TOF: tetralogy of Fallot; VSD: ventricular septal defect; A: ACE inhibitor; ASA: acetylsalicylic acid; BB: ß-blocker; D: dexamethasone; F: furosemide; P: prostaglandin E2; Mil: milrinone; S: spironolactone; Sot: sotalol; oxyhemoglobin saturation by pulse oximetry; FFR: force-frequency relationship; ISO: isoproterenol; RDA: rate-dependent action potential adaptation.