Live-cell imaging was used to monitor the effects of Aβ-containing AD brain extracts on iPSC-derived neurons (iNs) and whether or not PrP-grafted mAbs could protect neurons. On post-induction date 21, iNs were treated with medium alone (black circles), AD extract (blue), or AD extract plus b12 (red), 19–33 (green), 87–112 (pink), or IC22 (gray). Each antibody was used at a final concentration of 0.02 μM. (A) Time-course plot shows that AD1 extract caused neuritotoxicity and this could be attenuated by IC22, but not PrP-grafted mAbs. Each data point is the average of 3 wells ± SD. (C) Similar results were obtained using extracts from AD2. (B and D) Neuritic length was averaged over the last 6 h of imaging, and values normalized to pre-treatment measurements. The results are representative of two independent experiments. Differences in means were assessed with ANOVA followed by Bonferoni`s post-hoc test. n.s., non-significant; p>0.05; *** p<0.001.