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. 2019 Mar 21;11:1758835919833863. doi: 10.1177/1758835919833863

Table 2.

The baseline characteristics of high, intermediate, and low-risk groups in patients treated with IC plus CCRT or CCRT alone before propensity score matching.

Characteristic High-risk group (n = 603)
Intermediate-risk group (n = 1530)
Low-risk group (n = 499)
p value
No. (%)a No. (%)a No. (%)a
Sex <0.001
 Male 524 (86.9) 1192 (77.9) 279 (55.9)
 Female 79 (13.1) 338 (22.1) 220 (44.1)
Histology (WHO) 0.018
 Type I–II 13 (2.2) 44 (2.9) 4 (0.8)
 Type III 590 (97.8) 1486 (97.1) 495 (99.2)
Age, years 0.002
 ⩽30 85 (14.1) 172 (11.2) 53 (10.6)
 31–40 148 (24.5) 382 (25.0) 159 (31.9)
 41–50 202 (33.5) 527 (34.4) 156 (31.3)
 51–60 117 (19.4) 320 (20.9) 111 (22.2)
 ⩾61 51 (8.5) 129 (8.4) 20 (4.0)
Smoking history 0.018
 No 336 (55.7) 885 (57.8) 362 (72.5)
 Yes 267 (44.3) 645 (42.2) 137 (27.5)
Family of cancer 0.296
 No 463 (76.8) 1162 (75.9) 364 (72.9)
 Yes 140 (23.2) 368 (24.1) 135 (27.1)
T-stage (8th edition) <0.001
 T1 19 (3.2) 149 (9.7) 137 (27.5)
 T2 48 (8.0) 264 (17.3) 122 (24.4)
 T3 338 (56.1) 746 (48.8) 217 (43.5)
 T4 198 (32.8) 371 (24.2) 23 (4.6)
N-stage (8th edition) <0.001
 N2 176 (29.2) 1049 (68.6) 448 (89.8)
 N3 427 (70.8) 481 (31.4) 51 (10.2)
Overall stage (8th edition) <0.001
 III 95 (15.8) 743 (48.6) 431 (86.4)
 IV 508 (84.2) 787 (51.4) 51 (10.2)
EBV DNA, copy/mlb <0.001
 <1000 0 (0) 243 (15.9) 416 (83.4)
 1000–9999 51 (8.5) 591 (38.6) 57 (11.4)
 10,000–99,999 243 (40.3) 569 (37.2) 26 (5.2)
 ⩾100,000 309 (51.2) 127 (8.3) 0 (0)
HGB, g/lb <0.001
 <113 58 (9.6) 45 (2.9) 2 (0.4)
 113–151 374 (62.0) 1001 (65.4) 351 (70.3)
 ⩾151 171 (28.4) 484 (31.6) 146 (29.3)
hs-CRP, g/mlb <0.001
 <1.0 90 (14.9) 417 (27.3) 215 (43.1)
 1.0–3.0 164 (27.2) 559 (36.5) 219 (43.9)
 ⩾3.0 349 (57.9) 554 (36.2) 65 (13.0)
LDH, U/lb <0.001
 <245 367 (60.9) 1457 (95.2) 493 (98.8)
 ⩾245 235 (39.0) 73 (4.8) 6 (1.2)
Treatment <0.001
 IC plus CCRT 484 (80.3) 1027 (67.1) 272 (54.5)
 CCRT alone 119 (19.7) 503 (32.9) 227 (45.5)

CCRT, concurrent chemoradiotherapy; EBV, Epstein–Barr virus; HGB, hemoglobin; hs-CRP, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein; IC, induction chemotherapy; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; NPC, nasopharyngeal carcinoma; WHO, World Health Organization.


Percentages may not add up to 100, due to rounding.


All variables were measured before treatment.