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. 2017 Jul 11;9(7):277. doi: 10.3390/polym9070277

Table 1.

Spectral data * and band assignments of FTIR analysis presented in Figure 2.

Native PUR and MPTL Scaffold
Wavelength (cm−1) Assignments
3319 w N–H stretching,
(urethane bonding)
2930 w, 2859 w CH3; CH2 (aliphatic) asymmetric and symmetric stretching bonding
1726 vs, 1655 w C=O stretching of non-hydrogen bonded urethane groups and well ordered and strongly hydrogen bonded urethane groups respectively
1527 m deformation bond N–H
1451 w, 1420 vw, 1354 vw, 1314 s planar bonds of symmetric and asymmetric CH2
1221 s N–C
stretching (urethane bonding)
1168 s, 1138 s CO–O stretching of ester
1080 m, 1036 m C–O stretching of urethane groups
969 vw, 943 vw, 871 vw, 779 w Out of plane bondings of C–H (bending), CH2 scissoring; CH2 wagging; NH and OH scissoring and wagging

vw—very weak, w—weak, m—medium, s—strong, vs—very strong.