Nomenclature |
Symbol |
Meaning |
in BD method |
maximum repulsion between bead and bead in DPD method |
acceleration of th particle |
atomistic domain in concurrent simulations |
continuum domain in concurrent simulations |
handshake region in concurrent simulations |
interfacial region in concurrent simulations |
padding region in concurrent simulations |
fitting parameter |
fitting parameter |
the diffusion term of
center-of-mass self-diffusion coefficient |
element |
absolute unit charge of an electron |
Young’s modulus |
energy of atom, particle, or node
energy of the th representative atom in QC method |
eigenstate of energy |
eigenstate energy of an electron |
eigenstate energy of a nucleon |
total energy |
free energy difference in H-AdResS method |
conservative force between bead and its neighboring bead within the force cutoff radius
dissipative force between bead
and its neighboring bead within the force cutoff radius
random forces between bead and its neighboring bead within the force cutoff radius
drift force of molecule
vector of applied forces in the FE region of a concurrent simulation |
force acting on the th atom, particle, or node |
force acting between molecules and
thermodynamic force |
Brownian random force acting on the th particle |
atomistic forces acting on molecule due to the interaction with molecule
CG forces acting on molecule due to the interaction with molecule
storage modulus |
loss modulus |
Hamiltonian of the system at system state
modified Hamiltonian of the H-AdResS method |
change in the system Hamiltonian for going from system state to
compensation term in the Hamiltonian of the H-AdResS method |
Hamiltonian of the FE region as a function of the nodal displacements , and time rate of nodal displacements
Hamiltonian of the FE/MD handshake region as a function of the atomic positions , atomic velocities , nodal displacements , and time rate of nodal displacements
Hamiltonian of the MD region as a function of the atomic positions , and atomic velocities
Hamiltonian of the MD/TB handshake region as a function of the atomic positions , and atomic velocities
Hamiltonian of the TB region as a function of the atomic positions , and atomic velocities
total Hamiltonian |
Planck’s constant |
convection flux term in FVM formulation |
diffusion flux term in FVM formulation |
the all-atom kinetic energy of the molecules |
Boltzmann’s constant |
isothermal compressibility |
bond length |
molecular weight |
mass of an atom or particle |
mass of an electron |
mass of a nucleon |
number of atoms, particles, or nodes |
number of monomers per chain |
number of elements |
number of quadrature points in the numerical integration |
number of representative atoms in QC method |
the projection matrix |
pressure difference along the interface in H-AdResS method |
probability of accepting a new configuration for going from system state to
probability distribution function |
the target probability distribution function of AA simulations |
the generation/destruction of within the control volume per unit volume |
residual form of a partial differential equation in terms of the unknown function in FEM scheme |
radius of gyration |
center of mass coordinates of the th molecule |
coordinates vector of an atom, or particle, or node |
distance |
force cutoff radius |
spatial coordinates of an electron |
unit vector pointing from the center of bead to that of bead
spatial coordinates of a nucleon |
coordinates of the Gauss point in element taken at the centroid of the triangular elements |
position of quadrature point of element in the reference configuration |
random displacement of the th particle due to the random forces during time step
surface vector |
th subregion |
set of weighting functions in FEM |
rescaling factor for the entropy change |
rescaling factor for the friction change |
temperature |
time |
time step |
potential energy |
potential energies of the atomistic region |
energy functional of a systems assuming it is entirely modelled using atoms |
potential energies of the continuum region |
general form of the CG potential function in IBI method |
energy functional of a systems assuming it is entirely modelled using FEM |
potential energies of the handshake region |
energy of internal interactions |
total potential energy of the entire system |
bond angle potential in the blob model |
bond potential in the blob model |
potential of nonbonded interactions in the blob model |
potential energy of molecule in the AA representation |
potential energy of molecule in the CG representation |
vector of nodal displacements in the FE region of a concurrent simulation |
the unknown function in FEM which one needs to find |
approximation of the function under consideration in FEM |
displacements of atom, particle, or node
rate of displacements of atom, particle, or node
values of the function at node of the mesh |
volume of element
volume element of the simulation domain in FEM |
surfaces surrounding the volume of element
macroscopic velocity magnitude |
in LB method |
macroscopic local velocity at node at time in LB |
estimated velocity in the next time step using a predictor method in DPD velocity-Verlet algorithm |
Random velocity change of the th particle due to the random forces during time step
velocity of th atom, particle, or node |
velocity magnitude in -direction in LB method |
set of prescribed velocity vectors connecting the neighboring nodes in LB method |
speed of sound |
a function of deformation gradient
weighting constants used in LB method |
positive unit charge of a nucleon |
system state in a phase space at position
exact solution in the projection method |
shear-rate |
coarse scale solution of a problem in the projection method |
fine scale solution of a problem in the projection method |
deformation gradient |
delta function |
chemical potential gradient in H-AdResS method |
neighboring cells of a specific element in FVM |
random number between 0 and 1 which is to determine the acceptance or rejection of a new configuration |
a Gaussian random number with zero mean and unit variance used in the definition of the random forces between beads and in DPD method |
viscosity |
a weighting function to link FE and atomistic models in concurrent simulations |
bond angle |
averaged initial orientation angle |
collision matrix used in LB method |
multiplication parameter in in DPD velocity-Verlet algorithm |
fitting parameter |
fitting parameter |
a general conserved scalar variable in FVM scheme |
friction coefficient between atoms or particles |
friction coefficient between bead and bead in DPD method |
friction coefficient between particles of freely-rotating chains |
wave function of electrons |
fluid density in CFD |
macroscopic local density at node at time in LB method |
molecular density profile in the th iteration step as a function of the position in the direction perpendicular to the interface, in AdResS method |
reference molecular density |
th weighting function in FEM |
noise amplitude between bead and bead in DPD method |
shape function of node evaluated at the point with coordinates
characteristic collision time in LB method |
integral form of the weighted residuals in FEM |
wave function in Schrödinger’s equation |
wave function of the nuclei |
a parameter in DPD formulation which equals 1 for beads with a distance less than and equals 0 otherwise |
particle distribution function used in LB at node at time moving with velocity In the -direction |
equilibrium particle distribution function used in LB at node at time moving with velocity In the -direction |
spatial interpolation function in AdResS method |
interpolation functions in FEM for node
interpolation functions in FEM for node in element
simulation domain in FEM |
boundaries of the simulation domain in FEM |
dihedral angle |
Frequency |
quadrature weight signifying how many atoms a given representative atom stands for in the description of the total energy, in QC method |
dissipative weight function in DPD method |
associated Gauss quadrature weights of quadrature point of element
random weight function in DPD method |