Figure 5.
Assessments of transfection efficiency and silencing efficiency of TSG-6 shRNA. (a) BMSC transfected with shRNA were observed under bright field (A) and confocal microscope (B, scrambled control shRNA; C, TSG-6 shRNA-1; D, TSG-6 shRNA-2) (original magnification 200×). (b) BMSC were transfected with 50 μL TSG-6 shRNA-1 or TSG-6 shRNA-2. Real time-PCR was used to quantify the mRNA expression of TSG-6. Silencing efficiency of no shRNA was defined as 0%. Silencing efficiency of TSG-6 shRNA= [1- amount of TSG-6 mRNA in BMSC transfected with TSG-6 shRNA/ amount of TSG-6 mRNA in BMSC without transfections] (%). Results (mean± SD) are from 3 sets of experiments.