(A) When examined individually, multiple metrics of QOL show improvement in patients with VNS as rated subjectively by the treating physician. (B) Overall across all 7 subject QOL metrics there was no trend towards improvement over time with increased time of treatment. For A and B, no significant trends over time were observed (F < 11, p > 0.05 per metric, Bonferroni corrected). N = 4666 (0 – 4 months), 3277 (4 – 12 months), 3182 (12 – 24 months), and 1194 (24 – 48 months) patients. QOL, quality of life; VNS, vagus nerve stimulation. (From Englot DJ, Hassnain KH, Rolston JD, et al. Quality-of-life metrics with vagus nerve stimulation for epilepsy from provider survey data. Epilepsy Behav. 2017;66:4–9; with permission.)