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. 2019 Mar 25;14(3):e0213614. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0213614

Table 2. Characteristics in propensity score-matched DOAC vs warfarin users and DOAC vs DOAC.

Apixaban Warfarin Dabigatran Warfarin Rivaroxaban Warfarin Apixaban Dabigatran Apixaban Rivaroxaban Dabigatran Rivaroxaban
Mean/% Mean/% Mean/% Mean/% Mean/% Mean/% Mean/% Mean/% Mean/% Mean/% Mean/% Mean/%
Sample Size 10,570 10,570 4,297 4,297 15,712 15,712 4,263 4,263 10,477 10,477 4,297 4,297
Age* 80.44 80.42 78.7 78.95 79.34 79.36 78.65 78.76 80.36 80.31 78.7 78.83
65–74 25.92% 26.29% 33.58% 32.19% 30.64% 30.61% 34.15% 33.26% 26.20% 26.33% 33.58% 33.23%
75–79 19.53% 19.27% 21.32% 20.62% 21.44% 21.49% 20.99% 21.35% 19.77% 19.73% 21.32% 21.13%
≥80 54.55% 54.44% 45.10% 47.20% 47.93% 47.89% 44.85% 45.39% 54.03% 53.94% 45.10% 45.64%
Male 46.25% 46.20% 49.15% 48.43% 47.22% 46.99% 48.28% 49.05% 46.16% 46.06% 49.15% 48.41%
Female 53.75% 53.80% 50.85% 51.57% 52.78% 53.01% 51.72% 50.95% 53.84% 53.94% 50.85% 51.59%
White 89.52% 89.61% 87.90% 88.13% 88.48% 88.42% 87.66% 87.99% 89.46% 89.32% 87.90% 87.46%
Black 5.72% 5.74% 6.47% 6.61% 6.14% 6.38% 6.43% 6.50% 5.73% 5.62% 6.47% 6.68%
Hispanic 1.44% 1.39% 1.72% 1.44% 2.01% 1.92% 1.69% 1.67% 1.45% 1.61% 1.72% 2.07%
Other/Unknown 3.32% 3.25% 3.91% 3.82% 3.37% 3.28% 4.22% 3.85% 3.36% 3.45% 3.91% 3.79%
US Geographic Region*
Northeast 17.64% 17.73% 19.29% 19.22% 17.59% 17.72% 19.14% 19.26% 17.60% 17.66% 19.29% 17.45%
Midwest 21.94% 22.95% 22.39% 24.41% 22.96% 23.84% 23.01% 22.50% 21.93% 21.98% 22.39% 22.99%
South 45.23% 43.94% 39.96% 38.45% 42.11% 41.53% 39.43% 40.21% 45.21% 44.73% 39.96% 40.70%
West 15.11% 15.28% 18.20% 17.76% 17.18% 16.75% 18.25% 17.92% 15.18% 15.55% 18.20% 18.76%
Unknown 0.08% 0.10% 0.16% 0.16% 0.17% 0.17% 0.16% 0.12% 0.08% 0.09% 0.16% 0.09%
Proxy for Socioeconomic Status*
Low 24.40% 24.50% 25.67% 24.58% 25.45% 25.32% 25.69% 25.64% 24.42% 24.49% 25.67% 25.60%
Mid 27.20% 27.09% 28.35% 28.97% 27.13% 27.60% 27.38% 28.24% 27.20% 27.07% 28.35% 28.37%
High 45.52% 45.61% 42.82% 43.22% 44.21% 43.78% 44.05% 43.02% 45.49% 45.55% 42.82% 42.68%
Missing 2.89% 2.80% 3.16% 3.23% 3.21% 3.30% 2.89% 3.10% 2.89% 2.89% 3.16% 3.35%
Medicaid dual-eligibility* 20.08% 20.51% 24.48% 23.43% 24.06% 23.82% 24.98% 24.09% 20.28% 20.68% 24.48% 24.16%
Part D Low-income subsidy* 31.74% 31.80% 37.26% 36.68% 34.70% 34.43% 37.77% 36.95% 31.88% 32.18% 37.26% 36.21%
Baseline Comorbidity
Deyo-Charlson Comorbidity Index Score* 5.72 5.73 5.24 5.38 5.50 5.50 5.22 5.26 5.70 5.68 5.24 5.34
CHA2DS2-VASc Score 5.39 5.39 5.19 5.21 5.29 5.29 5.17 5.20 5.38 5.38 5.19 5.21
HAS-BLED Scorea 3.74 3.72 3.50 3.51 3.60 3.60 3.49 3.50 3.73 3.71 3.50 3.54
Bleeding History* 28.53% 28.45% 25.79% 26.44% 28.46% 28.42% 25.03% 25.94% 28.50% 28.20% 25.79% 26.69%
Diabetes Mellitus* 47.86% 47.92% 48.08% 48.57% 48.22% 47.93% 47.64% 47.99% 47.75% 48.00% 48.08% 48.50%
Hypertension* 96.13% 95.69% 94.32% 94.41% 95.26% 95.36% 94.18% 94.49% 96.11% 96.07% 94.32% 94.72%
Liver Disease* 6.81% 6.83% 5.96% 5.70% 6.47% 6.35% 6.03% 5.98% 6.77% 6.84% 5.96% 5.91%
Renal Disease* 43.63% 43.83% 35.51% 37.84% 37.32% 37.83% 34.83% 35.77% 42.85% 42.25% 35.51% 36.44%
Myocardial Infarction* 15.77% 16.23% 14.24% 14.71% 16.07% 15.88% 13.86% 14.29% 15.75% 15.74% 14.24% 15.45%
Dyspepsia or Stomach Discomfort* 29.70% 29.07% 26.37% 26.46% 28.19% 28.07% 25.69% 26.53% 29.70% 29.45% 26.37% 26.67%
Peripheral vascular disease* 77.59% 77.76% 72.61% 73.56% 75.67% 76.08% 72.62% 72.88% 77.48% 77.42% 72.61% 74.40%
Prior Stroke/SE* 18.79% 18.82% 16.15% 16.41% 17.39% 17.43% 16.33% 16.26% 18.49% 18.59% 16.15% 16.27%
Transient Ischemic attack* 10.32% 10.34% 8.40% 8.87% 9.35% 9.34% 8.12% 8.47% 10.21% 10.18% 8.40% 8.40%
Anemia and Coagulation Defects* 48.52% 48.35% 43.82% 45.01% 45.39% 45.52% 42.86% 43.98% 48.14% 47.96% 43.82% 43.98%
Alcoholism* 0.25% 0.28% 0.40% 0.37% 0.33% 0.35% 0.38% 0.35% 0.25% 0.26% 0.40% 0.35%
Peripheral Artery disease 34.74% 36.12% 31.32% 32.51% 33.83% 35.27% 31.22% 31.41% 34.61% 34.49% 31.32% 33.16%
Coronary Artery disease 70.59% 70.00% 65.72% 66.21% 68.01% 68.45% 65.82% 65.99% 70.55% 69.61% 65.72% 67.09%
Kidney Failure 3.92% 7.48% 2.47% 6.49% 2.25% 6.59% 3.28% 2.49% 3.87% 2.41% 2.47% 1.91%
Baseline Medication Use
ACEi/ARB* 65.66% 65.15% 67.91% 66.63% 67.24% 66.78% 67.82% 68.00% 66.00% 66.07% 67.91% 68.37%
Amiodarone* 19.79% 19.56% 18.01% 16.85% 17.62% 17.63% 18.18% 18.11% 19.78% 19.58% 18.01% 18.43%
Digoxin* 19.21% 19.33% 21.76% 20.64% 20.57% 20.30% 21.86% 21.67% 19.24% 19.37% 21.76% 21.15%
Diuretics* 77.35% 77.00% 77.36% 77.08% 75.77% 75.87% 77.06% 77.41% 77.29% 76.89% 77.36% 77.22%
Beta blockers* 59.56% 59.80% 57.11% 57.39% 59.08% 58.89% 57.26% 57.17% 59.62% 59.14% 57.11% 56.92%
Calcium Channel Blockers* 44.64% 44.12% 45.19% 44.45% 44.88% 44.66% 45.27% 45.09% 44.79% 44.37% 45.19% 44.71%
H2-receptor Blockers* 10.33% 10.20% 9.66% 9.31% 9.93% 10.01% 9.88% 9.64% 10.28% 10.19% 9.66% 9.70%
Proton Pump Inhibitors* 41.52% 40.77% 37.96% 38.03% 39.70% 39.48% 37.63% 38.17% 41.53% 41.37% 37.96% 39.19%
Statins* 65.71% 65.54% 60.46% 61.28% 62.96% 62.99% 60.36% 60.73% 65.48% 65.64% 60.46% 62.35%
Anti-platelets* 26.36% 25.83% 20.64% 19.69% 24.11% 23.69% 20.76% 20.78% 26.40% 26.03% 20.64% 22.92%
NSAIDs* 23.25% 23.13% 24.18% 22.39% 25.17% 24.71% 24.14% 24.02% 23.71% 23.79% 24.18% 25.13%
All-Cause Inpatient Admissions* 63.75% 64.16% 62.23% 62.93% 67.10% 67.25% 62.77% 62.21% 64.03% 64.13% 62.23% 64.11%
Index Dose b,c,d
Lower Dose 41.56% 32.14% 45.18% 35.02% 32.25% 41.17% 48.59% 32.14% 43.77%
Standard Dose 58.51% 67.93% 55.09% 65.07% 67.82% 58.90% 51.67% 67.93% 56.36%

ACEi: angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors; ARB: angiotensin-receptor blockers; CAD: coronary artery disease; CHA2DS2-VASc: congestive heart failure, hypertension, aged ≥75 years, diabetes mellitus, prior stroke or transient ischemic attack or thromboembolism, vascular disease, aged 65–74 years, sex category; HAS-BLED: hypertension, abnormal renal and liver function, stroke, bleeding, labile international normalized ratios, elderly, drugs and alcohol; NSAIDs: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; PAD: peripheral artery disease; SD: standard deviation; SE: systemic embolism

a As the international normalized ratio value was not available in the data, a modified HAS-BLED score was calculated with a range of 0 to 8.

b Lower dose: 2.5mg apixaban, 75mg dabigatran, 10mg or 15mg rivaroxaban. 1,375 (8.8%) of rivaroxaban-warfarin patients received 10 mg rivaroxaban; 950 (9.1%) and 349 (8.1%) received 10mg rivaroxaban in the apixaban-rivaroxaban and dabigatran-rivaroxaban cohorts

c Standard dose: 5mg apixaban, 150mg dabigatran, 20mg rivaroxaban; After PSM, baseline characteristics were balanced between cohorts.

d A few patients had both standard and lower doses on the index date.

*Covariates included in the propensity score matching