Figure 3. LPS treatment alters the expression of uterine cytokines and chemokines.
(A) Expression profile of cytokines and chemokines in the uteri of vehicle and LPS-treated mice at 1.5 and 5.5 dpc was evaluated by qRT-PCR and compared to levels in diestrus-staged non-pregnant uteri. Several patterns of differential gene expression were identified: (B) Expression of Lif and Il1α mRNA was induced in the uterus of control mice at 1.5 dpc not in mice exposed to LPS. (C) Expression of Cxcl9 and Il6 mRNA was acutely induced in the uterus in response to LPS exposure. (D) Expression of Il22 and Bmp6 mRNA was induced in the uterus of control mice on 5.5 dpc but not mice exposed to LPS. (E) Expression of Ifna2 and Xcl1 mRNA was repressed in the uterus of control mice at both timepoints but induced in the uterus of mice exposed to LPS. Expression data represent the mean of at least 4 independent experiments ± SEM. *p < 0.05; as determined by ANOVA.