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. 2019 Mar 18;176(7):919–937. doi: 10.1111/bph.14594

Table 2.

The differentially down‐regulated proteins in SMMC7721 cells caused by dioscin

Protein name Gene symbol Fold change
Plakophilin‐3 PKP3 0.667412
Ribosomal biogenesis protein LAS1L LAS1L 0.666549
Ras GTPase‐activating‐like protein IQGAP2 IQGAP2 0.666464
Alkaline phosphatase, placental‐like ALPPL2 0.66389
40S ribosomal protein S28 RPS28 0.663475
Protein arginine N‐methyltransferase 7 PRMT7 0.659268
OTU domain‐containing protein 7B OTUD7B 0.658997
Fructose‐2,6‐bisphosphatase TIGAR 0.657632
Brain‐specific angiogenesis inhibitor 1‐associated protein 2 BAIAP2 0.656172
DNA‐directed RNA polymerase I subunit RPA34 CD3EAP 0.653801
Multidrug resistance‐associated protein 4 ABCC4 0.65079
IL‐1α IL1A 0.650269
Catenin β‐1 CTNNB1 0.64775
Nuclease‐sensitive element‐binding protein 1 YBX1 0.646298
Aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator ARNT 0.644848
Kinase D‐interacting substrate of 220 kDa KIDINS220 0.644789
40S ribosomal protein S23 RPS23 0.642951
Histone‐lysine N‐methyltransferase EHMT1 0.642702
Ras‐related protein Rab‐5C RAB5C 0.638376
Choline transporter‐like protein 2 SLC44A2 0.638143
Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein Q SYNCRIP 0.636071
Programmed cell death protein 2 PDCD2 0.635812
Alkaline phosphatase, placental type ALPP 0.630986
Rap1 GTPase‐GDP dissociation stimulator 1 RAP1GDS1 0.629451
Thrombospondin‐1 THBS1 0.625131
Serine/arginine‐rich splicing factor 6 SRSF6 0.624837
tRNA (guanine(26)‐N(2))‐dimethyltransferase TRMT1 0.623349
Importin subunit α‐3 KPNA4 0.62148
Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 80 KRT80 0.621039
60S ribosomal protein L28 RPL28 0.619835
Vacuolar protein sorting‐associated protein 13A VPS13A 0.619703
GSH peroxidase 1 GPX1 0.619061
Vacuolar protein sorting‐associated protein 13C VPS13C 0.617022
Ribosomal L1 domain‐containing protein 1 RSL1D1 0.614332
Calpain‐7 CAPN7 0.612377
Protein CYR61 CYR61 0.611353
Multidrug resistance‐associated protein 1 ABCC1 0.605965
NEDD8 ultimate buster 1 NUB1 0.603901
F‐box‐like/WD repeat‐containing protein TBL1XR1 TBL1XR1 0.596918
Protein CutA CUTA 0.586437
LIM and calponin homology domains‐containing protein 1 LIMCH1 0.584768
Protein PRRC2B PRRC2B 0.574416
Periplakin PPL 0.566886
Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4B EIF4B 0.563664
Dystonin DST 0.562774
Protein HGH1 homolog HGH1 0.55638
Nucleoredoxin NXN 0.552367
Polymerase I and transcript release factor PTRF 0.552291
Histone H2B type 1‐D HIST1H2BD 0.549395
Drebrin DBN1 0.54526
Basal cell adhesion molecule BCAM 0.543613
Protein SCAF11 SCAF11 0.541997
Cyclin‐dependent kinase 6 CDK6 0.536053
Coiled‐coil domain‐containing protein 85C CCDC85C 0.534299
Tropomyosin α‐1 chain TPM1 0.526925
Palladin PALLD 0.525911
GSH peroxidase GPX4 0.525253
Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A‐1 EIF5A 0.518732
CD276 antigen CD276 0.517228
Disabled homolog 2 DAB2 0.505867
PGF2 receptor negative regulator PTGFRN 0.490684
Radixin RDX 0.488652
Nuclear ubiquitous casein and cyclin‐dependent kinase substrate 1 NUCKS1 0.465746
mRNA‐capping enzyme RNGTT 0.439002
Nesprin‐1 SYNE1 0.41975
Probable methyltransferase TARBP1 TARBP1 0.396494
Transferrin receptor protein 1 TFRC 0.34983
Tropomyosin β chain TPM2 0.34593
YTH domain‐containing protein 1 YTHDC1 0.330133
Serine/threonine‐protein kinase ULK4 0.016407