Auditory (A) unattended > attended for auditory and visual stimuli. Activation increases for A unattended > attended stimuli for auditory (AUD; orange, height threshold: p < 0.001, uncorr., extent threshold k > 0 voxels) and visual (VIS; blue, height threshold: p < 0.001, uncorr., extent threshold k > 0 voxels) stimuli (overlap, yellow) are rendered on an inflated canonical brain. The conjunction of A unattended > attended for auditory and visual stimuli is encircled in yellow (height threshold: p < 0.001, uncorrected, extent threshold k > 0 voxels). Activation increases for A unattended > attended that are greater for auditory than visual stimuli (i.e., interaction) are encircled in white (height threshold: p < 0.001, uncorrected, extent threshold k > 0 voxels). Bar plots show the parameter estimates (across participants mean ± SEM, averaged across all voxels in the black encircled cluster) in the (i) right postcentral/intraparietal sulcus, (ii) right superior frontal gyrus, and (iii) right anterior insula that are displayed on axial slices of a mean image created by averaging the subjects' normalized structural images. The bar graphs represent the size of the effect pertaining to BOLD magnitude in non-dimensional units (corresponding to percentage whole-brain mean). Audition, orange; vision, blue; attended, full pattern; unattended, striped pattern; expected, dark shade; unexpected, light shade.