Auditory (A) unexpected > expected for auditory and visual stimuli. Activation increases for A unexpected > expected stimuli for auditory stimuli (orange) are rendered on an inflated canonical brain; they are encircled in white if they are significantly greater for auditory than visual stimuli (i.e., interaction). Height threshold of p < 0.001, uncorrected; extent threshold k > 0 voxels. Bar plots show the parameter estimates (across participants mean ± SEM, averaged across all voxels in the black encircled cluster) in (i) bilateral superior temporal gyri and bilateral intraparietal sulci, (ii) bilateral superior frontal gyri, and (iii) bilateral calcarine cortices that are displayed on axial slices of a mean image created by averaging the subjects' normalized structural images. The bar graphs represent the size of the effect in non-dimensional units (corresponding to percentage whole-brain mean). Audition, orange; vision, blue; attended, full pattern; unattended, striped pattern; expected, dark shade; unexpected, light shade.