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. 2019 Mar 20;39(12):2208–2220. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2289-18.2018

Figure 4.

Figure 4.

Pattern dissimilarity between motion directions and sound source locations. A, Across-condition classification results across four conditions are represented in each ROI (lhPT and rhPT). Four binary classifications [leftward motion vs left location], [rightward motion vs right location], [upward motion vs up location], and [downward motion vs down location] were computed and averaged to produce one accuracy score per ROI. FDR-corrected p values: ***p < 0.001. Dotted lines represent chance level. B, The inset shows neural RDMs extracted from lhPT and rhPT, and the MDS plot visualizes the similarities of the neural pattern elicited by four motion directions (arrows) and four sound source locations (dots). Color codes for arrow/dots are as follows: green indicates left direction/location; red indicates right direction/location; orange indicates up direction/location; and blue indicates down direction/location. ML, Motion left; MR, motion right; MD, motion down; MU, motion up; SL, static left; SR, static right; SD, static down; SU, static up. C–E, The results of RSA in hPT are represented. C, RDMs of the computational models that assume different similarities of the neural pattern based on auditory motion and static conditions. D, E, RSA results for every model and each ROI. For each ROI, the dotted lines represent the reliability of the data considering the signal-to-noise ratio (see Materials and Methods), which provides an estimate of the highest correlation we can expect in a given ROI when correlating computational models and neural RDMs. Error bars indicate the SEM. IM1, Intermediate models with within-axis conditions distinct; IM2, Intermediate model with within-axis conditions combined. Each right up corner of the bar plots shows visualization of significant differences for each class of models and hemispheres separately (Mann–Whitney–Wilcoxon rank-sum test, FDR corrected).