Fig. 2.
CLDN19G20D,G20D disrupted retinal neurogenesis of human induced pluripotent cells. a Schema for differentiating optic vesicles and cups. b Live cell imaging: Phase contrast (PC) images show the normal differentiation of neural rosettes and optic vesicles for CLDN19WT,WT and CLDN19WT,G20D, and the inability of CLDN19G20D,G20D to form these structures. Fluorescence microscopy confirms the expression of puromycin-red fluorescent protein (RFP) in transduced clones. c Confocal images of cultures fixed in paraformaldehyde on 30 days of differentiation (DD30): CLDN19WT,WT and CLDN19WT,G20D expressed SIX6-GFP, an early marker of retinal differentiation, but CLDN19G20D,G20D did not, despite the expression of puromycin-RFP. Scale bar (b) 500 µm and (c) 20 µm