Fig. 3.
A wound-inducible CYP94B is upregulated in Ts5. a A diagram of steps of JA-Ile catabolism via the ω-oxidation pathway. b A phylogenetic tree of CYP genes from maize (blue) and Arabidopsis (brown). CYP94 genes (blue-gray) and CYP94B genes (yellow) are shaded. A blue dot at a node indicates branches with > 95% support. c Graph of jasmonate levels in developing tassels (2 cm) in B73 (black) and Ts5 homozygotes (blue). The amount of 12OH-JA-Ile is significantly higher in Ts5 than in B73 using a one-tailed Student’s t test with Welch’s correction, P = 0.0109, t = 4.348524 df = 3.037953, 95% CI = 112.0289 to 707.7894. d JA and JA-Ile levels in three sizes of B73 ears during early development. The amount of JA in 11–15 mm ears is significantly less than that in 4–10 mm ears by one-way ANOVA; F = 7.078, P = 0.008, DF = 18. Bar, mean; whiskers, SD. e Relative expression of GRMZM2G177668 measured by qRT-PCR at 0, 2, and 24 h after wounding in pooled (n = 4) second leaves of Ts5 homozygotes (BC7 B73) and B73. Graph depicts means of three technical replicates. Error bars, SD. f Graphs depicting a time-course of LC–MS outputs of JA, JA-Ile, 12OH-JA-Ile, and 12COOH-JA-Ile accumulation (pmol/gFW) in wounded leaves of Ts5 homozygotes (B73) and B73 at 0, 1, 4, 6, and 24 h. Ts5 leaves had significantly less JA at 1 h (t = 4.567575, P = 0.0038, df = 6, 95% CI = −188.1638 to −56.88620) and 4 h (t = 3.548059, P = 0.0238, df = 4, 95% CI = −163.2358 to −19.91499) after wounding than B73. Ts5 leaves had significantly less JA-Ile at 1 h (t = 4.802854, P = 0.0030, df = 6, 95% CI = −75.41736 to −24.50798) post-wounding than B73 leaves. Ts5 leaves had significantly more 12OH-JA-Ile than B73 at 6 h (t = 3.961804, P = 0.0107, df = 5, 95% CI = 9.232525–43.35088) and at 24 h (t = 9.473349, P = 0.0002, df = 5, 95% CI = 18.97077–33.10019) post-wounding than B73 leaves. Ts5 leaves had significantly more 12COOH-JA-Ile at 6 h (t = 5.007114, P = 0.0075, df = 4, 95% CI = 184.6060–644.1580) and at 24 h (t = 8.622493, P = 0.0003, df = 5, 95% CI = 626.7214–1159.130) post-wounding than B73 leaves. f Error bars, SD of four biological replicates. LC–MS, liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry