Figure 1.
Representative enhanced-depth imaging OCT images of the central macula showing the anterior (red) and posterior (magenta) boundaries of the choroid segmentation in eyes from a normal age-matched patient (A–C), with non-exudative AMD (D–F), and with exudative AMD (G–I), before (A,D,G) and at 1 hour (B,E,H) and 3 hours (C,F,I) after a 100 mg oral dose of sildenafil citrate. A scatterplot demonstrates an inverse association between age and the amount of choroidal thickness change (%) at 3 hours after sildenafil treatment (J). Line graphs show an increase in choroidal thickness after sildenafil in both normal and AMD eyes (K), but no detectable choroidal thickening in eyes with geographic atrophy (L).