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. 2018 Nov 9;104(5):1471–1483. doi: 10.1210/jc.2018-01525

Table 4.

Exploratory Voxelwise Cluster Analyses Outside of a Priori ROIs

Primary Gray Matter Anatomic Area of Z Maximuma Hemi-sphereb MNI Coordinatesc
Brodmann Aread Cluster Size (No. Voxels) Z Maxe P Other Anatomic Areas in Clusterf
x y z
Premeal: high-calorie foods > objects
  OFC R 41 22 −17 47 4798 4.17 0.0003 Temporal pole, insular cortex, frontal pole, inferior frontal gyrus, frontal operculum cortex
Adjacent to insular ROI
  Temporal fusiform cortex L −27 −35 −24 37 4758 3.52 0.0003 Parahippocampal gyrus, temporal occipital fusiform cortex, cerebellum, brainstem (pons; middle cerebellar peduncle)
  Parietal operculum cortex R 54 −33 27 40 4365 3.60 0.0006 Planum temporale, supramarginal gyrus, angular gyrus, postcentral gyrus
  Frontal pole R 23 63 13 10 3185 3.50 0.006
  OFCg (bilateral to above) L −27 11 −14 n/a 2463 3.79 0.03 Insular cortex, temporal pole, planum polare
Adjacent to insular ROI
  Superior temporal gyrus R 56 −5 −13 22 2444 3.62 0.03 Middle temporal gyrus, planum polare
  No significant clusters
Premeal: low-calorie foods > objects
 HW > OB
  No significant clusters
 OB > HW
No significant clusters
Postmeal: high-calorie foods > objects
 HW > OB
  No significant clusters
 OB > HW
  Subcallosal cortex L −10 21 −14 11 5124 3.85 0.0002 Frontal orbital cortex, frontal pole (left and right), frontal medial cortex (left and right), frontal orbital cortex (right), subcallosal cortex (right)
Adjacent to mOFC and ventral striatial ROIs
  Occipital pole L −12 −95 14 18 4489 3.43 0.0006 Lateral occipital cortex, cuneal cortex
  Angular gyrus L −44 −51 55 40 4201 3.77 0.001 Supramarginal gyrus, postcentral gyrus, lateral occipital cortex, superior parietal lobule
  Lateral occipital cortex L −48 −73 0 19 3783 3.69 0.002
  Occipital poleg (bilateral to above) R 16 −99 9 18 2705 3.63 0.02 Lateral occipital cortex, cuneal cortex
  Middle temporal gyrus R 64 −54 −1 37 2613 3.48 0.02 Inferior temporal gyrus, lateral occipital cortex
Postmeal: low-calorie foods > objects
 HW > OB
  Supramarginal gyrus R 68 −41 12 22 2182 3.34 <0.05 Middle temporal gyrus, angular gyrus, superior temporal gyrus, planum temporale
 OB > HW
  No significant clusters

Exploratory analyses excluded previously tested regions of interest (VS, amygdala, DS, insula, VTA/SN, and mOFC). Clusters abutting these regions are indicated in italics. Analyses were corrected for multiple comparisons with a cluster-threshold correction with an individual voxel threshold at Z = 2.3 and a corrected cluster significant threshold of P = 0.05.


Harvard–Oxford Atlas identified regions of local maximum.


Hemisphere of local maximum (L, left; R, right).


Montreal Neurologic Institute coordinates of peak location.


Brodmann area of local maximum (when local maximum was near, but just outside of a Brodmann area, the closest adjacent area was listed).


Maximum Z score.


Other areas identified within the cluster (areas listed are ipsilateral to primary area unless otherwise indicated).


When the local maximum appeared in white matter, the closest gray matter structure within the cluster was listed.