An unrooted phylogenetic tree was constructed from nucleotide alignments using the Neighbor-Joining method and bootstrapped using 1,000 permutations. Bootstrap support values > 70 are indicated by dots. The scale indicates the nucleotide substitution distance along the branches. Sections of the tree are colorized according to the TolT group to which they belong. Genes that cannot be included in any cluster and pseudogenes are indicated with red letters and asterisks, respectively. Abbreviations: TcCLB, T. cruzi CL Brener; TcSYL or TcSYLVIO, T. cruzi Sylvio X-10; TCDM or BCY84, T. cruzi Dm28c; Tc_MARK, T. cruzi marinkellei; TRSC, Trypanosoma rangeli SC58.