(A–C) Representative confocal images of early Stage 12 embryos from (A) control, (B) P{EP}CG8602EP3102 = minerva (mrva)3102 mutant, and (C) mrva3102 mutants with macrophage expression of the gene rescued by srpHemo(macro)-mrva. Macrophages express srpHemo-3XmCherry (red) and the embryo autofluoresces (green). In the mutant, macrophages remain in the head and fail to enter the germband, hence we name the gene minerva. (D) Dashed ellipse in schematic at left represents the germband region in which macrophages (red) were counted throughout the study. Comparison of the control (n= 38), mrva3102 mutants (n = 37) and mrva3102 mutant/Df(3L)BSC117 that removes the gene (n = 23) shows that the mutant significantly decreases migration into the extended germband (p<0.0001 for control vs mutant, p=-0002 for control vs Df cross). This defect can be partially rescued by expression in macrophages of srpHemo >mrva::FLAG::HA (n = 18, p=0.222 for control vs rescue, p=0.036 for mutant vs rescue) and completely rescued by precise excision (mrvaΔ32) of the P element (n = 16, p=0.826). srpHemo >mCherry nls labeled the macrophages. (E–G) Macrophage quantification in early Stage 12 embryos. (E) Fewer germband macrophages upon expression of mrva RNAi v101575 only in macrophages under the control of srpHemo (n = 28–35 embryos, p<0.0001). (F) Fewer macrophages found on the yolk neighboring the germband (oval in schematic) in the mrva3102 mutant compared to control embryos (n = 14–16 embryos, p=0.0003). (G) Increased germband macrophage numbers in shgP34; mrva3102 compared to the mrva3102 mutant indicates a partial rescue from reducing DE-Cadherin which is expressed in the germband ectoderm (n = 19–29, p<0.0001, p=0.005). (H) No significant difference in number of macrophages labeled with srpHemo-3xmCherry in vnc segments (area in blue oval in schematic) between control and mrva3102 mutant embryos in fixed mid Stage 12 embryos (n = 23–25, p=0.55). Images from two-photon movies of (I) Stage 10 and (L) late Stage 11-early Stage 12 embryos in which macrophage nuclei (red) are labeled with srpHemo-H2A::3xmCherry. (I) Stills at 0 and 60 min and (J) quantification of macrophage speed reveal 33% slower macrophage migration in the head towards the yolk neighboring the germband in the mrva3102 mutant compared to the control, n = 3 movies for each, #tracks: control = 329, mutant = 340, p=0.002. Blue box in magnification in schematic indicates region analysed in J. (K) The first macrophage in mrva3102 mutants is much slower to enter the germband after macrophages reach the germband edge (control = 22.00 ± 1.53 min, n = 3, mrva3102 mutant = 102.0 ± 20.35 min, n = 4. p-value=0.021). (L) The time when macrophages reached the germband in each genotype was defined as 0’. Stills at 60 and 90 min and (M) quantification of macrophage speed reveal 43% slower macrophage migration in the germband in the mrva3102 mutant compared to the control. Blue arrow in schematic indicates route analyzed. n = 3 movies for each, #tracks: control = 21, mutant = 14, p=0.022. Significance was assessed by Kruskal-Wallis test with Conover post test comparison in D, G, Student’s t-test in E, F, H, J-K, M. ns = p > 0.05, *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, ***p<0.0001. Scale bars are 50 μm in A-C, 40 μm in I, 30 μm in L. See also Figure 3—figure supplement 1 and Figure 3—video 1–3.