(A) Representative confocal images of early Stage 12 embryos from control and P{SUPor-P}Qsox1KG04615 = qsox1KG04615. (B–C) Quantification in early Stage 12 embryos showing a significant reduction in germband macrophages (B) in the P-element mutant qsox1KG04615 located in the Qsox1 5’UTR (n = 18, p=0.0012) and (C) upon the expression in macrophages under srpHemo-GAL4 control of an RNAi line (v108288) against Qsox1 (n = 24, 23 embryos, p=0.001). (D) Images from two-photon movies from control and qsox1KG04615. Macrophage nuclei (red) are labeled with srpHemo-H2A::3xmCherry. Stills at 0, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 min. (E) Quantification of macrophage speed reveals 18% slower macrophage migration in the head towards the yolk neighboring the germband in the qsox1KG04615 mutant compared to the control (n = 3 movies for each, #tracks: control = 329, mutant = 396, p=0.0056). (F) Quantification of the time required for macrophage entry into the germband in qsox1KG04615 compared to the control. n = 3 movies for each, p=0.043. (G) Quantification of macrophage speed in the germband in the qsox1KG04615 mutant compared to the control (n = 3 movies for each, #tracks: control = 21, mutant = 19, p=0.300). (H) Pearson’s Coefficient analysis indicating the level of colocalisation of a MT-Qsox1::FLAG::HA construct transfected into S2R+ cells visualized with an HA antibody and antibodies against markers for the ER (Cnx99a), the Golgi (Golgin 84, Golgin 245, and GMAP), the early endosome (Hrs), the late endosome (Rab7) and the nucleus (DAPI) (n = 11–15) as well as with a srpHemo-mrva::3xmCherry construct (n = 18). (I) Western blot of concentrated supernatant collected from S2R+ cells transfected with srpGal4 UAS-qsox1::FLAG::HA (first three lines) and S2R+ cells that are untransfected. (J) Quantification of intracellular LanA intensity along a 4 μm line in macrophages (as indicated in schematic) from the control (black), minerva3102 (blue) and the qsox1KG04615 mutants (orange) (n = 4–5 embryos, 80–100 cells, 240–300 lines). For the whole graph see Figure 5—figure supplement 1G–J. Scale bars 50 μm for A, 30 μm in D. B-C, E-G and J were analyzed with Student’s test. ns = p > 0.05, *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001. See also Figure 5—figure supplement 1.