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. 2019 Mar 7;3(4):nzy100. doi: 10.1093/cdn/nzy100


Characteristics of children included in the study (N = 3,770)1

Child characteristics Value Missing (N, %)
Season of birth, N, % 1,311 (34.8)
 spring 731 (19.4)
 summer 703 (18.6)
 autumn 511 (13.6)
 winter 514 (13.6)
25(OH)D concentration (nmol/L) at birth 30.7 (5.4–81.9) 1,311 (34.8)
 Severely deficient (<25.0), N, % 975 (25.9)
 Deficient (25.0–49.9), N, % 932 (24.7)
 Sufficient (50.0–74.9), N, % 444 (11.8)
 Optimal (≥75.0), N, % 108 (2.9)
Gender (N, %)
 Boys 1,873 (49.7)
 Girls 1,897 (50.3)
Chronological age, y 9.81 ± 0.35
Ethnicity, N, % 60 (1.6)
 Dutch 2,221 (58.9)
 Cape Verdean 112 (3.0)
 Dutch Antillean 107 (2.8)
 Moroccan 207 (5.5)
 Turkish 242 (6.4)
 Surinamese 263 (7.0)
 Other 558 (14.8)
Weight, kg 34.00 (25.2–54.1)
Height, cm 141.72 ± 6.75
BMI, kg/m2 16.99 (14.0–24.7)
25(OH)D, nmol/L 66.20 (21.1–136.9) 1536 (40.7)
Bone mineral density of head, g/cm2 1.35 (1.1–1.6) 333 (8.8)
Dental age, y 10.34 ± 0.83
Stage of development for the central incisor 8 (8–8)
Stage of development for the lateral incisor 8 (7–8)
Stage of development for the canine 6 (5–8)
Stage of development for the first premolar 6 (5–7)
Stage of development for the second premolar 6 (4–7)
Stage of development for the first molar 8 (7–8)
Stage of development for the second molar 6 (4–7)
Hypodontia, N, % 197 (5.2)
Dental anomalies of position, N, % 102 (2.7)

Values are percentages for categorical variables, means ± SD for continuous variables with a normal distribution, or medians (95% range) for continuous variables with a skewed distribution from the original data. 25(OH)D, 25-hydroxyvitamin D.