In vivo implantation of biodegradable nanofiber scaffolds in an ovine model. SEM of PGA/PLCL (1:1) nanofiber graft luminal (A) and adventitia surface (B). (C, D) SEM of ePTFE graft luminal/abluminal surfaces. In vivo implantation of PGA/PLCL (1:1) nanofiber TEVG (E) in the ovine model as a right-sided carotid artery-EJV AV shunt, with ePTFE control on the left side (F). Scale bar: 100 μm (A, C), 50 μm (B, D), 1 cm (E, F). ePTFE, expanded polytetrafluoroethylene; SEM, scanning electron microscopy. Color images available online at