(A) Left, schematic illustrating the components of two interacting physical complexes involved in the Fanconi Anemia pathway. Right, phylogenetic profiles for each protein in the two complexes 1:black, 0:white). Data from Dey et al. 2015. A red font is used to illustrate the coevolving phylogenetic module. Abbreviations for species branches: M: Mammals, V: Other Vertebrates, LT: Lancelets/Tunicates, EH: Echinoderms/Hemichordates, A: Arthropods, N: Nematodes, C: Cnidaria, SP: Sponges/Placozoa, CF: Choanoflagellates, F: Fungi, AB: Amoebozoa, P: Plantae, PR: Other protists. (B) Top, phylogenetic profiles for 6 proteins/ protein families involved in canonical EGFR signaling. Bottom, phylogenetic profiles for 6 enzymes involved in heme biosynthesis. Data from Dey et al. 2015. Species ordered as in (A).