Table 2.
Shows the correlations of the SR2 thresholds with age and hearing loss defined as the speech reception threshold (SRT) and pure-tone average, standard (PTA_ST) and high-frequency (PTA_HF).
Predictor variables | Age | Colocated | Separated | Spatial release |
Age | .388 | .525 | −.402 | |
SRT | .580 | .174 | .646 | −.641 |
PTA_ST | .510 | .157 | .615 | −.621 |
PTA_HF | .720 | .274 | .627 | −.576 |
Note. Values shown in italics are significant at a value of p < .05, whereas those in bold are significant at p < .001. SR2 = spatial release with two maskers.