(A) Representative immunoblots of endogenous nuclear PPARγ
interaction with UBR5 in primary pulmonary arterial endothelial cells (PAECs)
isolated from controls (Table
(B) Representative immunoblots of HU-induced pATM expression with
PPARγ depletion in PAECs.
(C) Representative immunoblots of restoration of HU-induced pATM
expression with siRNA (siPPARγ#9)-resistant PPARγ overexpression
in human umbilical venous ECs (HUVECs).
(D) Representative immunoblots of HU-induced pATM and pKAP1 with
PPARγ or/and ATMIN depletions in PAECs.
(E) Confocal microscopy of PAECs shows effects of PPARγ depletion
on pATM foci with hypoxia (<0.1% O2, 24 h) and reoxygenation
(10 min). The line in the box of the box and whisker plots marks the median and
whiskers correspond to the 10th to 90th percentiles.
Unpaired Student t test was used. ****p <0.0001. Scale bars, 20
siC, siControl; siPγ, siPPARγ. See also Figure S4.