Table 1.
Item | Rotated factor loading | |
Scale 1 Barriers Alpha = .77 |
1. If a person has signed the organ donor registry, doctors won’t try as hard to save that person’s life* | .71 |
2. Hospitals do not give African Americans the same quality of care that they give to whites* | .63 | |
3. Organs can be bought and sold in the United States* | .56 | |
4. If a person has donated his or her organs, it is impossible for that person to have a regular funeral service* | .59 | |
5. It costs a donor family money to donate organs* | .70 | |
6. Organ donation is against the rules of my religion* | .60 | |
7. In general, doctors give preference to white people over black people when deciding who will receive an organ* | .75 | |
Scale 2 Family and Racial Responsibility Alpha = .87 |
8. Organ donation is part of my responsibility to the black community | .70 |
9. Signing up to donate my organs will allow my family to carry out my wishes | .70 | |
10. Signing up now to donate my organs can help my family by removing the stress of making that decision | .71 | |
11. Donating my organs may provide my family with some comfort | .80 | |
12. Donating my organs can help my family cope with their grief | .78 | |
13. If I donate my organs it will help other African Americans in need | .64 | |
14. Donating my organs is part of the giving tradition in African American culture | .62 | |
Scale 3 Altruism: Helping Others Alpha = .81 |
15. Organ donation is an act of charity | .63 |
16. Organ donation allows something positive to come out of a person’s death | .73 | |
17. Signing up to donate my organs is a way I can do something good for others | .63 | |
18. Donating my organs allows me to help others to live | .71 |
indicates items were reversed coded so that higher scores indicated more pro-donation attitudes.